
I'm not sure to well understand your problem.
But, Ora2pg need 3 modules :
- Two of them : DBI-1.38 and DBD-Pg-1.22 have to be comile and install from your Postgres environnement. For example /home/postgres.
- And DBD-Oracle-1.14 has to be compile and install in your Local Oracle environment. For example : /home/oracle. With the Oracle Shell variables set :

Futher more, the script ora2pg need in the first lines the setting of your local host ORACLE_HOME, for example :

That means that if your Postgres Database is on serverA and you want to migrate an Oracle database form serverB, you have to have an Oracle client on ServerA and set the Perl variables as these :
my $dbsrc = 'dbi:Oracle:host=serverB;sid=advisor2; port=1521';
my $dbuser = 'system';
my $dbpswd = 'syspasswd'

If you don't have an Oracle Client Licence on serverA. It is more complex. I think in that case, that a better idea is to install Postgres on ServerB, do the migration, dump the Postgres migrate DB, and restore the dump on ServerA.
One more thing, I have noted that a same DB takes at least twice disk space on Postgres than on Oracle. I haven't still, dicovered why.

Thierry Missimilly

Cláudia Morgado wrote:

 Hi ,    We still don´t obtain to user the Ora2pg.pl. :(     In the installation of the requirement ones of the Ora2pg.pl a problem in the compilation of module Perl DBD:Oracle occurred.
It sees the error below:
" The ORACLE_HOME environment variable must be set.
  It must be set to hold the path to an Oracle installation directory
  on this machine (or a machine with a compatible architecture).
  See the README.clients file for more information.
  ABORTED!"     The migration that we are making is of the database Oracle 8i for PostgreSQL 7.4.1, being that the database are installed in different servers.     How we can continue in this installation? regards,Carla e Cláudia  
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 19, 2004 8:20 AM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Pass data of database Oracle to PostgreSQL
 Hi Claudia,

I have done a successuff schema and data migration from Oracle 8i to PostgreSQL 7.4 by using the contrib : postgresql-7.4/contrib/Oracle/ora2pg


Cláudia Morgado wrote:

Somebody could help me to pass the data that are of a database Oracle 8i for my new database Postgre 7.3.4 (linux).
Cláudia Morgado                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Banco de Dados
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