Hi All,
I'd like to "compress" the following two filter expressions into one -
assuming that it makes sense regarding query execution performance.

... where (adate LIKE "2004.01.10 __:30" or adate LIKE "2004.01.10 __:15")

into something like this:

... where adate LIKE "2004.01.10 __:(30/15)" ...

which means that I need only those rows which has an "adate" field holding
dates on 2004.01.10 every 30 or 15 minutes at the end. Is it possible to use
some regular expressions or is it worth at all talking about?

-- Csaba

Együd Csaba
IN-FO Studio Bt.
tel/fax: +36-23-545-447, +36-23-382-447
mobil:   +36-23-343-8325

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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