> >Remember that /sbin/ifconfig output usually include MAC address too. Not > >that MAC addresses are 100% unique, but that should increase the > >uniqueness. > > How do you increase uniqueness? Either a value is unique or it isn't - It increases the *likelihood* of uniqueness, IOW the expected collision frequency.
> if you've got multiple hosts on the network with the same network > address, you're in big trouble! He is talking about the MAC which in itself is supposed to be globally unique. Nothing to do with IP numbers. Karsten -- GPG key ID E4071346 @ wwwkeys.pgp.net E167 67FD A291 2BEA 73BD 4537 78B9 A9F9 E407 1346 ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match