Enver ALTIN wrote:


On Fri, 2004-01-02 at 13:38, Chris Travers wrote:

A few years ago, I set about porting a PHP application from MySQL to
PostgreSQL, after realizing that MySQL wasn't going to be able to handle it.
In order to do this, I built a light, fast database abstraction layer which
conforms to the behavior of the MySQL functions in PHP.  This means that a
large amount of porting work could be made simple using this porting layer
if the application was originally used PHP's native MySQL functions rather
than a standard porting layer.  The application was originally released
under the GPL.

I guess it might bother you when people ask this but, what made you do
the hardwork while it's already been done by several other projects like
Are those two LIGHT weight?

Afaik, PEAR (DB) affects the performance of your OO-php-app quite bad, but I haven't really tested it very often myself, just seen tests by others?
And I'm not talking "quite bad, because php is not very fast in OO", I'm talking "quite bad, compared to other (custom built, light weight, simple) OO abstraction layers".

Maybe that has changed since then? But I have, for that reason, never really started using PEAR...

Best regards,


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