> >>SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT col1, col2 FROM table)
> > I did select count(*) from phone_list and it worked.
> Sure you can do a select from a view, but try the above statement where the 
> view definition is "embedded" diretly into the SELECT. This is not 
> supported by FB 1.5 - though it will be with 2.0

OK, so that's what you call an "inline view" is it?

What then is a derived table, or is a derived table just a synonym for 
inline view? 

> I admit that it is not a very important feature, but I have come to like 
> it, and sometimes it comes in handy :-)

What's wrong with SELECT COUNT(col1) FROM table?


> Thomas


plinehan  x__AT__x  yahoo  x__DOT__x  com

C++ Builder 5 SP1, Interbase IBX 5.04 W2K Pro

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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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