Am Donnerstag, 18. Dezember 2003 00:15 schrieb Matthew:
> Try this link to OpenOffice and its postgres-sdbc-driver.
> I have Installed OO on RedHat and tested that I can connect
> postgres - which it does without any dramas, but I havent done much
> more than that. So I am not sure as to what the limit is on the
> complexity of the queryies asked of it can be.
> It doesnt connect via either odbc or jdbc, and currently it is in
> alpha state, which might not be what you are after.  But it could
> be worth a look at.

Just to avoid a misunderstanding: You _can_ connect OpenOffice via 
odbc to postgresql without any problems. you dont need a special 
postgresql driver as long as you only need odbc features. It just 

kind regards,

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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