Stephan Szabo wrote:

On Wed, 17 Dec 2003, Ron St-Pierre wrote:

On a daily basis I place a lot of data into the empty table dailyList,
and from that data update certain fields in currentList. I thought that
using a function would be a good way to do this(?). However I get the
following error when I run updateCurrentData():
ERROR: set-valued function called in context that cannot accept a set
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function "updatecurrentcata" line 6 at return next
I've googled and tried variations on the function, but without success.
Can anyone help?

This probably means that you're calling it like: select updateCurrentData(); and you'll need to instead call it with the function in the FROM clause, something like: select * from updateCurrentData();

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aha, that's part of it. I now get this error:
  ERROR:  wrong record type supplied in RETURN NEXT
Any ideas on this one?


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