
I installed a postgres-application (which was developed on debian woody) on red hat 9 today, using the postgres 7.3 rpms from redhad.
One of my the triggers uses the pg_settings table (more precisely, it updates that table to change the search_path temporarily). With the postgres 7.3 (and 7.4 too) installed on my debian development system, this worked fine. On redhat 9, however, I get an "pg_settings: permission denied" error when my trigger is executed.

The same thing happens when I try altering the pg_settings table from the commandline. (But of course works, when connected as superuser). I double-checked the permissions set on both the pg_settings view, and the set_config(text, text, bool)-function called from the update-rule for pg_settings, and both seem to be correct (and the same as on the debian machine).

As I needed to get the thing running, I now solved the problem by making the user that my app connects as a superuser, but I'd like to get rid of this again...

Are there any more permission I could check, or perhaps some config-option in postgres.conf that I could try?

greetings, Florian Pflug

PS: I also tried moving the postgres-data-dir away, and creating a fresh one with initdb - but with no success - still "pg_settings: permission denied"

---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match

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