Further to this post, what might actually work is to convince O' Reilly (since they have PostgreSQL book/s) to do some articles like they have for PG, but making full use of the PG database. For instance, building a simple data-warehouse using PG. Articles that show off an OSS product/project in a clearly enterprise light in a step-by-step fashion. There have been so many articles on DB design using MySQL. How about an article on DB design using all the functionality of a real ORDBMS.

Just a few thoughts.



Tony wrote:

HI All,

I'm glad that this thread prompted some thoughtful response. I think one of my main points I was trying to make, Jason hit the nail on the head. The article to which I was referring uses a great example which I have experienced many times before, but in order to grasp this, PHP et al, must be thought of as a scripting language which crosses many corporate boundries, and it is easy to assume that it's primary use (simple web site back ends) are the only thing to discuss. But the situation has changed enourmously since the release of PHP v4. Now many consultant/developer/sys-admins like myself are going to client site on a contract (this is especially true in the UK, I can't speak for anywhere else) and finding complex stocktrading systems, inventory systems, CRM systems, and others, all written in PHP backed by MySQL. Whether this is right or wrong, good choice or bad choice is not what I'm interested in debating. The point is that when these systems where architected, the developers used MySQL not because they were dumb, but because many of them develop awesome code and can get around most problems in the code, with a little ingenuity. Many simply do not have the insight into the potential benefits of *proper* RDBMS can offer. Had they had the benefit of such knowledge the code they have written would be faster (in DB) and more legible. Sadly often the developers are the only source of DBA for some of these companies.

The second scenario, is with admin systems, written by people like myself for companies, whether they be simple or complex systems, that are intended as a temporary work around to an immediate problem. In a very short space of time the stop-gap application you had written to sort out the immediate problem quickly becomes a core business application (I recently returned to a site after not being there for two years and the temporary address book/ email system that I knocked up in an afternoon was not only still being used, but now relied upon heavily).

So on to my point, MySQL guys will happily say "Hey, we're not saying that the features MySQL is missing aren't important, and we're working towards them, but in the meantime these issues can be worked around like this....." and happily play the whole thing down. Many LAMP developers aren't aware of the benefits of stored procedures, of triggers and other good stuff. Like myself, if they were aware how much easier life could be if these things were accessible to them, they'd probably be converts too.

There is not enough emphasis put on the basic importance of these functions in PG. Someone needs to standup and say "Hey, look how this can simplify your programming lives" until I started using Druid/Postgres, I had no idea why I needed triggers or what a cascade effect did, or why I might want one.
The Linux community has grown at least in part because it has educated potential users and journo's to its benefits. I believe if the PG advocacy team did the same, then it would attract many more serious LAMP developers.

Like Linux vs. Windows, PG has an awful lot going for it in respect to MySQL, so why not crow about it. It needs to be pointed at a crowd that are DB novices, they need to be told why PG is worth the time/knowledge investment, because anyone who reads the MySQL site, will come away with the impression that the Trigger, Stored Procs, and other things are a luxurious overhead not necessary for getting the job done.

I'd gladly help out with such a paper, but find myself in the sad position of my prose being open to attack due to my newbieness in the DB world and not able to speak authoratatively on the subject.

Have a think, I'd like to know if others agree.



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