Clinging to sanity, Randolf Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> mumbled into her beard:
> Aside from that, I don't see how the individual actions of one
> organization that has been charging for open source software can
> possibly reflect on all those projects which are totally free

It most certainly would, in InfoWeek, and other such "sources of
journalism" which happen to get read by a whole lot of Pointy-Haired
Boss types.

The point isn't of how YOU see it, but rather of how it would be seen
by the people that make budget decisions based only on a minimal
understanding of technical matters and a liberal dose of whatever they
see in Gartner reports and other weekly 'rags.'  For better or worse,
that perspective has a good deal of influence.
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="" in String.concat "@" [name;tld];;
"Jeez, got me.  Unix is sorta  like Heroin, It feels  good for about 5
minutes a day and horrible the rest of the time."  -- Jim O'Dell

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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