Hi! If I correctly understand v7.4 manual, value, say, '2003-11-26 12:00' in TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIMEZONE column should output '2003-11-26 19:00' for "+08:00" timezone.
The following test results seem to be somewhat unexpected. Restting OS timezone (/etc/timezone and /etc/localtime in Linux) does not make the results more comfortable. The display in Windowz for the result set SELECTed from PostgreSQL running on Linux is the same as that in psql prompt - being always UTC value. Query 'SET SESSION TIMEZONE TO 8' is sent to the backend after the connection with the backend is established and before query 'SELECT * FROM ..' is sent to the backend, of course. Any idea would be much appreciated! Regards, CN ============= db1=# \d test Table "public.test" Column | Type | Modifiers --------+-----------------------------+----------- f1 | timestamp without time zone | db1=# SHOW TimeZone; TimeZone ---------- unknown (1 row) db1=# SET TIME ZONE CCT; ERROR: unrecognized time zone name: "cct" db1=# SET TIME ZONE 'CCT'; ERROR: unrecognized time zone name: "CCT" db1=# SET TIME ZONE TO 'JST'; ERROR: syntax error at or near "TO" at character 15 db1=# SET TIME ZONE 8; SET db1=# SHOW TimeZone; TimeZone ---------- 08:00:00 (1 row) db1=# INSERT INTO test VALUES ('2003-11-26 13:00'); INSERT 40397 1 db1=# SHOW DateStyle; DateStyle ----------- ISO, MDY (1 row) db1=# SET DateStyle 'ISO, YMD'; ERROR: syntax error at or near "'ISO, YMD'" at character 15 db1=# SET DateStyle TO 'ISO, YMD'; SET db1=# SELECT * FROM test; f1 --------------------- 2003-11-26 13:00:00 (1 row) db1=# SET DateStyle TO 'ISO, DMY'; SET db1=# SHOW DateStyle; DateStyle ----------- ISO, DMY (1 row) db1=# SELECT * FROM test; f1 --------------------- 2003-11-26 13:00:00 (1 row) db1=# SET TimeZone TO -1; SET db1=# SHOW Timezone; TimeZone ----------- -01:00:00 (1 row) db1=# SELECT * FROM test; f1 --------------------- 2003-11-26 13:00:00 (1 row) ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings