I have uploaded a first cut at the RPM's to ftp.postgresql.org.  While I am 
not 100% convinced of the need to do so, I have restructured the directories, 
and await comment on that.

Currently the upload is for Fedora Core 1 only.  The source RPM should compile 
on most recent Red Hat's and close cousins.

See ftp://ftp.postgresql.org/pub/binary/v7.4/fedora for the SRPMS and 
fedora-core-1 directory.  As I build the set on other distributions, or as 
others do so, I will create the appropriate directories and will link the 
SRPMS dir in each of those to the fedora/SRPMS dir, since that is the master 
source RPM.

Please read README.rpm-dist, found in the postgresql-7.4-0.1PGDG.i386.rpm 
file, or unpacked in pub/binary/v7.4/fedora, for more details.

This set is similar to previous sets in many respects.  This is not what I 
wanted; I wanted to restructure the whole shooting match in concert with 
Oliver's Debian package restructure.  The fewer differences the better, and 
many parts of Oliver's proposal I plan on implementing in the RPMs verbatim.  
However, when Oliver released the 7.4 deb without those changes, and due to 
the SuSE RPM's release, I decided to go ahead with it.  Kaj's posting of the 
patches against the 7.3.4 specfile was a tremendous help in this regard, many 
thanks Kaj!  There were problems, but it was an excellent starting point.

There are a few outstanding patches and bugs I need to fix; thus, this RPMset 
has an 0.1PGDG release tag.  I have been somewhat ill this week; maybe by 
next week I can close some bugs and get us to 1PGDG.

Even though the python client is no longer included in the main tarball, 
thanks to Kaj we have not lost the python subpackage.

I expect RH 7.3, RH9,  and RH 6.2 packages shortly from Sander, once he reads 
this mail and gets the time to build them, as he has already asked to help do 
this.  I have RH 8.0 at my disposal, and will build those.  I will also be 
building Aurora 1.0 packages.
Lamar Owen
Director of Information Technology
Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute
1 PARI Drive
Rosman, NC  28772

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