Andrei Ivanov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> template1=> select pg_get_viewdef('pg_tables'::regclass);
> ERROR:  nodeRead: did not find '}' at end of plan node
> template1=> select pg_get_viewdef('pg_indexes'::regclass);
> ERROR:  nodeRead: did not find '}' at end of plan node

Bizarre.  I just checked, and this query will not result in trying to
open any views other than the one named by the get_viewdef argument.
So it sure appears that reading any view rule will cause the failure.

> I really can't think of anything else that could have brought postgresql 
> in this state... (could on minor update to glibc cause this ? I don't 
> remember if updated glibc before or after the corruption...)

Doesn't seem real likely to me either ... but we seem to have eliminated
all the other possibilities.  The data in the database doesn't appear to
be corrupted, and you already tried reinstalling Postgres, so the
executable file isn't corrupted, which seems to leave the libraries.
Are you in a position to back out the glibc update and see what happens?

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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