
On Fri, Nov 21, 2003 at 06:27:01AM -0600, Jason Tesser wrote:

> I am looking into using PostgreSQL on the backend here.  I work for a Bible College. 
>  We are putting together a 
> new software package.  The database would be on a LInux box but our domain is M$ so 
> we use active
> directory.  I saw that there is a PAM module for Postgre.  My question is with 
> applications that will both be 
> standalone and web what is teh best way for me to authenticate to active directory.  
> C

> Is there a Postgre function that will allow me to do this?
> Does anyone have any other ideas that will work?  

> I'm not quite clear what you want to do. If you want to authenticate
> against an Active Directory server, then you need to talk LDAP to it,
> probably using the PAM LDAP module. There's a fair amount of
> documentation on this out on the interweb.

I want to make my standalone apps and my web apps authenticate through AD, but 
keep any access levels (groups) in Postgre

> If you want to use AD for client authentication in Postgres, section
> 6.2.5 of the Administrator's Guide details how to use PAM for Postgres
> client authentication.

If I did that could I use a table in Postgre as a groups table so I can control 
who can go where or who can see what in a web app?  I was wondering if Postgre 
had some built in functions that could help me out here?  

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