On Tue, 2003-10-28 at 07:04, Shridhar Daithankar wrote:
> On Tuesday 28 October 2003 17:13, Alex Page wrote:
> > I haven't used PostgreSQL for nearly a year now, and when I was last
> > using it there was some discussion on versioning control being
> > introduced as a feature. Basically, for some data, I'd like to keep
> > track of who changed it, when, and to what. I know I could include
> > multiple values in the schema, and have a view to pull out the most
> > recent, but I was wondering if there was something more automatic that
> > is a feature of PostgreSQL itself. I've looked around the documentation
> > with no success. Does anybody know if this is possible?
> No. It does have multiversion rows but rows updated in previous transaction 
> are not accessible to users.
> The rows will remain on disk eating space till you vacuum. There is no way of 
> accessing them.
> Actually it could be a nice feature if we could access them. For certain 
> applications, having entire database audited is like dream come true. Of 
> course it has to provide timestamps/transaction ids as well but in general 
> that would be pretty handy in some situation.
> Alas... that is toooo much fundamental to ask for a feature..:-)

Really?  It seems like that one way to do it would be, at commit
time, to write the "before version" to "somewhere else".

Ron Johnson, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jefferson, LA USA

"What's your genius, perfect 20 years too late Monday morning
quarterback answer to how the US should have responded to the
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan? Oh wait, you're just talking crap
- you don't have a real answer, you're just regurgitating crap
from NPR."

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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