Hi John,

I've been thinking about this for sometime, since a couple of my associates are looking to build a commercial app based around JDBC. The difficulty came when we looked at redistributing a MySQL JDBC driver .jar with the application. From what I can tell, since you distribute the JDBC driver they assume that somewhere it's going to be used with a MySQL server and therefore requires licensing. It wasn't exactly clear IMHO or straightforward. So they've decided to go with PG only for the time being, which makes running the server on Windows a little more difficult, but who wants to run windows anyway!

As far as speed goes, I think that there isn't enough in it anymore to comment about. Sure MySQL is faster in XYZ scenario, but PG is faster in ABC scenario, swings and roundabouts. IMHO the only place where MySQL has a clear advantage is the fact that it replicates right out of the box, with very little difficulty (see my earlier post today) and is quite robust.

Just my 2 Cents



John Wells wrote:

Yes, I know you've seen the above subject before, so please be gentle with
the flamethrowers.

I'm preparing to enter a discussion with management at my company
regarding going forward as either a MySql shop or a Postgresql shop.

It's my opinion that we should be using PG, because of the full ACID
support, and the license involved.  A consultant my company hired before
bringing me in is pushing hard for MySql, citing speed and community
support, as well as ACID support.

My biggest concern with MySQL is licensing.  We need to keep costs low,
and last I remember the parent company was being pretty strict on "fair
use" under the GPL.  If I recall, they even said a company would have to
license the commercial version if it were simply used operationally within
the company.

Also, I was under the impression that Postgresql had pretty much caught up
with MySql in the speed category...is this not the case?

Finally, ACID support in mysql always seemed kind of a hack....perhaps
this has changed?

Thanks for any input (armament ;) ) you can provide.


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