Holger Marzen wrote:
On Thu, 11 Sep 2003, pginfo wrote:I readet that ResiserFS is good solution.Also I have eraly very bad results on ext3.> Hi,
> I am runing linux red hat 7.3 (standart install)
> on dual athlon box , 1 GB ram and pg 7.3.4.
> If I try to access with pgAdmin one from my tables (i contains ~ 1 M
> records)
> the linux box crashes.
> In my pg log I can find:
> ERROR: Invalid page header in block 5604 of a_acc
> before this error I see also :
> FATAL: Database "template0" is not currently accepting connections
> ERROR: Relation "pg_relcheck" does not exist
> and
> ERROR: 'ksqo' is not a valid option name
> I am using reiserFS on this box and do not find any other problems with
> it.This sounds very strange and I am thinking of RAM problems or a
corrupted filesystem. Using ReiserFS or not seems to be a religious
issue. Some reported strange errors due to ReiserFS and some are very
happy with it. I have no experiences with ReiserFS.
I did it. I testet al the memory and memtest86 do no tdetect any problems.After it I droped the box, installed brand new red hat 9.0 and ReiserFS, installed also> Can I solve this problem or I need to recreate the datebase ( The table
> and the database are created befor 2 days)?Can you stop the postmaster, copy the data-directory to a non-ReiserFS
and make a symlink, so PostgreSQL thinks tha location has not changed?Can you run memtest86 for a day to find out if you have some faulty RAM?
pg 7.3.4 and to this moment I do no thave any problems.
The only bad think is, that I do not know where was the problem.