> Also, I DO run spamassassin here, and it is finding only perhaps 10-20% 
> of the copies of the most recent worm.  I think it sends out copies that 
> are sufficiently different from each other that it bypasses all the 
> checks, including a Bayesian filter.  

Hmm.  I've had no trouble filtering the actual worm (I filter using a
pattern that looks for the first few bytes of a base64-encoded Windows
executable file).  The only copies that were getting as far as my spam
inbox were ones that had had the executable file removed by various
"helpful" filtering programs.

> I hope there is a special corner of hell reserved for spammers and an
> even worse corner reserved for virus/worm writers.

And "antivirus" writers whose work increases the noise level instead of
reducing it.  They should know better than to bounce back complaint
messages to the From: line when they have recognized a worm that is
known to forge From:.

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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