Hi all.
This is off topic and is a cross-post, so I'll be
brief. There is a very nasty virus out there and I urge everybody to get their
AV in order. The virus is known as: "W32.Gibe-F"
or "W32.Swen-A".
Yesterday, I got cca. 200 viral
Today, it's about 800 viral messages!
I suspect that a lot of viral traffic directed to
me is coming from users on one of the lists I'm crossposting to. Check
- Re: [GENERAL] OT: HEADS-UP: viral storm out there Nikola Milutinovic
- Re: [GENERAL] OT: HEADS-UP: viral storm out there Ron Johnson
- Re: [GENERAL] OT: HEADS-UP: viral storm out there Mike Mascari
- Re: [GENERAL] OT: HEADS-UP: viral storm out there James Moe