On Fri, 2003-08-15 at 00:17, David Fetter wrote:
> "Tim Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Does anyone have a utility to map out database structures and put it
> > in a printable format ? PDF, GIF, JPG, etc.
> Try DBVisualizer at <http://www.minq.se/>.

 FWIW, we bought a site license for DBVis and it has been pretty great.
It runs on my YellowDog Linux (PPC) and RedHat desktops as well as our
MacOS X machines. Well worth the $$ IMO.



Christopher Murtagh
Enterprise Systems Administrator
ISR / Web Communications Group 
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec

Tel.: (514) 398-3122
Fax:  (514) 398-2017

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TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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