Now perhaps this is a bit dumb, but...
I just populated a new table via \copy. After that, I realize that perhaps is a good thing to have a row identifier in it, so I try
clapidus=> alter table tickets add column rid serial;
NOTICE:  ALTER TABLE will create implicit sequence "tickets_rid_seq" for SERIAL column "tickets.rid"
ERROR:  adding columns with defaults is not implemented
So my next guess is to define a test table from scratch, this time with the serial field in place. Next I try the \copy:
clapidus=> create table test(rid serial, col_a text);
NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE will create implicit sequence "test_rid_seq" for SERIAL column "test.rid"
clapidus=> \d test
                                Table "test"
 Attribute |  Type   |                       Modifier
 rid       | integer | not null default nextval('public.test_rid_seq'::text)
 col_a     | text    |
clapidus=> \copy test from stdin
23      a record
45      another record
clapidus=> select * from test ;
 rid |   col_a
  23 | a record
  45 | another record
(2 rows)
Now the first character from stdin is a tab, in a try to let the sequence come into action:
clapidus=> \copy test from stdin
        still another record
ERROR:  invalid input syntax for integer: ""
PQendcopy: resetting connection
Grrr. Third attempt:
clapidus=> \copy test from stdin with null as 'NULL'
NULL    still another one
ERROR:  null value for attribute "rid" violates NOT NULL constraint
PQendcopy: resetting connection
So? Is there a way to add the sequence to an existing table?
Or, alternatively, is there a way to issue a \copy command while letting the sequence fill in the serial field?
thanks in advance

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