Op 26 Aug 2003 (12:38), schreef Robert Treat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 07:28, Jules Alberts wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> > 
> > I'm working on a tiny trigger function that needs to ensure that all
> > values entered in a field are lowercase'd. I can't use pl/pgsql
> > because I have a dozen different columns (with different names) that
> > need a trigger that does this and pl'pgsql can't expand variable names
> > to fieldnames. Writing a dozen functions (one per columnname) is /way/
> > too blunt so I tried pl/tcl (which I don't know):

<bad attempt snipped>

> You'll need a function a bit more complex than this, but to do what your
> trying to do in the function above the function would be written as:
> create or replace function my_lowercase() returns trigger as '
>   set NEW($1) [string tolower $NEW($1)] 
>   return [array get NEW]' language 'pltcl';
> Hope this helps, please post the final results when you get there. 

Hi Robert,

It works great, thanks a lot! There is one little issue though: when I 
insert null values, the function fails. I think I can work around this 
by giving the columns a default value of '' in my table design, but I 
would like a more defensive approach, I.E. having my_lowercase() check 
for null values.

Thanks again for any help, and sorry if I'm asking basic TCL questions, 
I don't know the language. Do you happen to know a good site where the 
language is explained? All I googled was about creating widgets, GUI 
stuff :-(

> Robert Treat

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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