This is neither a GNU nor a MySQL mailing list. I suggest you take
your question to one of those places, as you'll get a better answer.
The question in it self was more general than PostgreSQL and MySQL. However as I currently need to work with both of them I wanted to make clear the actual differences caused by licensing between the two products. The other thing is that it is probably a little easier to explain and understand if there are concrete examples.
I asked this list because I didn't want to subscribe to yet another list for this matter and pgsql-general sure has the competence to answere that kind of questions. It has to have.
I asked this list and not MySQL list because I am subscribed to mysql-general and comparing the two list content I like more what I see in PostgreSQL lists and the concrete example is about PostgreSQL as much as it is MySQL. I don't think at a PostgreSQ conference you would guide me to MySQL conference when I asked this same question would you?
Licensing is quite difficult to understad (at least for me) yet a very important aspect of software development. I don't intend to ruine anybodys day I just want a small discussion which in the end would explain the cases when the licensing aspect of these two concrete products will play an important role in developing software.
---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend