Weiping He wrote:

suppose I've got two table:

laser_uni=# \d t1
    Table "public.t1"
Column | Type | Modifiers
name   | text |
addr   | text |

laser_uni=# \d t2
     Table "public.t2"
Column |  Type   | Modifiers
name   | text    |
len    | integer |
of     | integer |

and I want to use join to select out data and then group by one column, like this:

laser_uni=# select t1.name, t1.addr, t2.name, t2.len, t2.of from t1 right join t2 on t1.name=t2.name group by t2.name;
ERROR: Attribute t1.name must be GROUPed or used in an aggregate function

seems the I must gorup all those fields:

laser_uni=# select t1.name as t1name, t1.addr as t1addr, t2.name as t2name, t2.len, t2.of from t1 right join t2 on t1.name=t2.name group by t1.name, t1.addr, t2.name, t2.len, t2.of;
t1name | t1addr | t2name | len | of
| | henry | 2 | 4
| | laser | 4 | 4
(2 rows)

is it specification compliant or postgresql specific?


reread the docs, seems use DISTINCE ON clause solved my problem:

select distinct on( t2.len) t1.name as t1name, t1.addr as t1addr, t2.name as t2name, t2.len, t2.of from t1 right join t2 on t1.name=t2.name;



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