In the last exciting episode, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Stephen Frost) wrote:
>   Would it make sense for vacuum to keep a list of 'last vacuumed' or
>   similar so that it doesn't vacuum a table which hasn't changed since
>   the last time it was vacuum'd?  Seems to me that would be a pretty
>   simple optimization which would help out alot on systems which have
>   both a large set of tables which are relatively static and data which
>   changes a great deal.  This is especially true for vacuum full which
>   also locks the table.

See, in 7.4, the "pg_autovacuum" daemon.

It does much what you suggest...
(format nil "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "cbbrowne" "")
Rules of  the Evil Overlord #110.  "I will not  employ devious schemes
that involve the hero's party getting into my inner sanctum before the
trap is sprung." <>

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?


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