see contrib/dbmirror ... triggered by updates on the primary. Don't know if it would 
work for you ... not sure about the second part (see the differences). It uses a table 
it creates called "Pending" to store transactions.

Greg W.

-----Original Message-----
From:   Alex [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Thu 8/28/2003 8:49 PM
Subject:        [GENERAL] Fast Table Replication / Mirroring

I saw some replication projects but think this might be an overkill for 
my intentions.

I have two databases, Primary / Secondary where the Secondary is 
readyonly for
users. I need to mirror tables when changes occur on that table. That 
may happen a few times a day.
Tables are in the area of  few 100k records.

A) Is there an easy way to copy the data from Primary to Secondary
     Can this be triggered by updates on the primary table ?

B) Is there a fast way to check if table A on Primary and Secondary 
server are in Sync?
     Not number of records but contents.

Any advise would be appreciated.


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