Please, disregard my last message. I've discovered that in "password" file it 
was mentioned a path '/var/lib/psql' where Mandrake distro installed postres 
previously. I've solved it.

But I still have another problem:

A later step in Postgres installation instructions says:
"/usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -D /usr/local/pgsql/data >logfile 2>&1 &"
and with this I obtain:
"bash: logfile: Dennied permission"

I don't know bash either, so I can't understand the problem.

Could you give me a hand?


----------  Mensaje reenviado  ----------

Subject: installing postgres7.3.4 problem
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 18:10:10 +0200
From: javier garcia - CEBAS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all.
(I'm a newby. I recognize it)
At the moment I had postgres running on my Linux machine with no problem.
I had version 7.2 installed, and this version came along with my Mandrake
Now, I want to install a contribution package (postgis extensions), and
previously I would like to  install a newer postgres version.
So, I've downloaded the postgres-7.3.4 source code and compiled it. But,
following the guidelines in the documentation, after "make install", I've
# su - postgres
(I don't know the meaning of a "login shell", but this is not my problem)
And then appears the message (in  spanish):
"su: atention: we can't change to the directory /var/lib/pgsql: the directory
or file doesn't exists"

Previously I had postgres databases in /var/lib/pgsql. But I've uninstalled
the previously the 7.2 version and I don't know why this happens.

Could anyone guide me with this?

thanks and regards



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