Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Hmm... I'm seeing Chile standard timezones, so it's not a matter of how
> big the country is.  However, in the table at
> src/backend/utils/adt/datetime.c I'm seeing conflict between BST
> (British Summer Time), BST (Brazil Standard Time) and BST (Bering
> Standard Time), so they just picked one.  However there's a timezone
> called "BRA" that's apparently "Brazil Time".

BST is not what he was worried about, though.  I see the following table
in the zic sources:

#               std     dst
#       -2:00   FNT     FNST    Fernando de Noronha
#       -3:00   BRT     BRST    Brasilia
#       -4:00   AMT     AMST    Amazon
#       -5:00   ACT     ACST    Acre

I have added BRT, BRST, FNT, FNST to the datetime.c table, since they
don't conflict with any existing entries.  ACT and ACST were there
already.  We have a problem with AMT/AMST: they conflict with existing
entries for Armenia.  Not sure what to do about it, but for the moment
the Armenians were there first.

I suspect in the long run we will have to back off from this fixed-table
approach and allow the set of recognized timezone names to be taken from
a configuration file.  There are just too many potential conflicts.

                        regards, tom lane

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