Title: convert interval info into days


Running PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on RedHat Linux 7.2.

How can I convert data in a table that has been created
with the INTERVAL data type into a numeric format?

Say, I have a table with this type of data:

-1 years   | 00:00
 00:00      | 1 year 90 days
 00:00      | 1 year 90 days
 00:00      | 1 year 90 days
 00:00      | 1 year 90 days
 00:00      | 1 year 90 days
 00:00      | 1 year 90 days
 1 year     | 2 years
 42 days    | 2 years
 42 days    | 2 years
 -1 years   | 00:00
 -1 years   | 00:00
 -1 years   | 00:00
 42 days    | 2 years
 1 year     | 2 years

I want to convert all of this into days, but
I don't think I can use 'to_char' because
I get things like this:

[snip example]
test_db=> select to_char('2 years 3 mons 17 days'::interval, 'YY MM DD');
 02 03 17


test_db=> select to_char('2 years'::interval)/365;
ERROR:  Function 'to_char(interval)' does not exist
        Unable to identify a function that satisfies the given argument types
        You may need to add explicit typecasts
[/snip example]

Any suggestions?



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