Hi Philip,

Pg is more ansi compliant than most (GoodThing (TM)).  You can use the 'when' 
conditional but not to do what you need.  If I understand you correclty you 
should be able to acheive the same result using two seperate queries and the 
(NOT) EXISTS or (NOT) IN clause.  Failing that have a look at the fine docs 
on pl/pgsql and other postgresql procedural languages which allow you to use 
loops and conditional statements like 'if'.



On Wed, 20 Aug 2003 12:21 pm, Philip Boonzaaier wrote:
> I want to be able to generate SQL statements that will go through a list of
> data, effectively row by row, enquire on the database if this exists in the
> selected table- If it exists, then the colums must be UPDATED, if not, they
> must be INSERTED.
> Logically then, I would like to SELECT * FROM <TABLE>
> WHERE ....<Values entered here>, and then IF FOUND
> UPDATE <TABLE> SET .... <Values entered here> ELSE
> INSERT INTO <TABLE> VALUES <Values entered here>
> The IF statement gets rejected by the parser. So it would appear that
> PostgreSQL does not support an IF in this type of query, or maybe not at
> all.
> Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can achieve this ?
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