On Monday 18 August 2003 18:59, Hervé Piedvache wrote:
> Hi,
> An to be more precise what I exactly want to do :
> select
> case when 'now' between t.begin and t.end then t.login else 'None' end as
> log from my_table t
> order by lower(log);

How about something like:

  case when 'now' between t.begin and t.end then t.login else 'None' end 
    as log,
  LOWER(case when 'now' between t.begin and t.end then t.login else 'None'
    as log_lower
  from my_table t
  order by 2;

Ian Barwick

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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