Yes!  Very true.  I always forget about that one...

On Sat, 16 Aug 2003 11:43 pm, Murthy Kambhampaty wrote:
> I like the COALESCE() function for the "insert into ..." statement below.
> See:
>E N9753
> Cheers,
>   Murthy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Godden
> Sent: 8/15/2003 7:33 PM
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] summary and request
> create table import_contact (
> id character(7) not null primary key,
> fm character(30),
> ls character(30),
> addr character(30),
> city character(25),
> st character(2),
> c character(1),
> start decimal(6),
> end decimal(6),
> cat datafile.dat | psql -dthedatabase -c "copy import_contact from stdin
> delimiter ',' null ''";
> echo "insert into contact select
> id,
> case fm when null then 'xzxzxzxz' else fm end,
> case ls when null then 'xzxzxzxz' else ls end,
> case addr when null then '123 xzxzxzxz' else addr end,
> case city when null then 'xzxzxzxz' else city end,
> case st when null then 'xz' else st end,
> case c when null then 'x' else c end,
> case start when null then 122038 else start,
> case end when null then 122038 else end
> from import_contact;" | psql -dthedatabase
> Could be one way although it's not atomic.  Can rewrite the copy command
> to be
> a copy from file command to do that and use the \i command (or redirect
> to
> psql from file/stdin).  Simple but there are many other methods to get
> this
> thing to work.  If you don't want to recreate the defaults everytime
> then you
> could have subselects that reference the pg system tables extract the
> default
> value for the columns you are looking for.
> Also could create the insert statements with a script on the outside or
> replace any blank (null in reality) fields with the default value and
> copy
> that straight to the table.
> On Sat, 16 Aug 2003 03:18 am, expect wrote:
> > I'd like to summarize what I know (or don't know) since this topic has
> been
> > hit around a little and I'm new to this.  I'm hoping it will clear
> things
> > up, at least for me.  You are all the experts, I want to make sure I
> am
> > singing from the same page.
> >
> > data sample:
> >    id   |  fm    | ls          |     addr     | city    | st | z  |c|
> > start|end
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---
> >-------
> >
> > 191922C,Bob Cobb,D'Obbalina Sr.,312 Elm
> > Street,Yountville,CA,94599,5,062001,082009 339111C,Elma
> Thelma,Velma,98 Oak
> > Lane,St. Louis,MO,63119-2065,,,
> >
> >
> > What I wanted to do was to import lots of these from a text file.  In
> the
> > case where there is an empty string  (i.e. no value after a comma) I
> wanted
> > to define the column in the table in a way that would accept the empty
> > string but replace it with the default value for that column.  I
> didn't
> > know that the copy command is just some C code that stuffs the data
> into
> > the db ala fois grois.
> >
> > What I would really benefit from (and I hope some other new soul would
> too)
> > is if someone would outline exactly how they would approach this
> problem.
> > Maybe provide the correct table definition and the copy command.  Or
> if
> > that just won't work an alternate approach.  I realize that some of
> you
> > have done this partially but there have been too many replies to get
> into a
> > single cohesive instruction.
> >
> >
> > Anyway I suppose my initial frustration in trying to do this may have
> > blinded me from reason.
> >
> >
> > create table contact (
> > id character(7) NOT NULL,
> > fm character(30) DEFAULT 'xzxzxzxz',
> > ls character(30) DEFAULT 'xzxzxzxz',
> > addr character(30) DEFAULT '123 xzxzxzxz',
> > city character(25) DEFAULT 'xzxzxzxz',
> > st character(2) DEFAULT 'xz',
> > c character(1) DEFAULT 'x',
> > start decimal(6) DEFAULT 122038,
> > end decimal(6) DEFAULT 122038,
> >
> >
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