> This may have been better posted in the advocacy list but I am not a
> subscriber.
> We recently purchased Dreamweaver MX and I was a little surprised to
> find that one of its pre-defined scripting systems is PHP + MySQL. I
> haven't done much exploring of what is actually offered but wondered
> whether any one had tried to convince Macromedia to provide a PHP +
> PostgreSQL or at least a PHP + anydb.

PHP has a shortcoming of NOT having a unified interface to "any" DB. MySQL
uses one set of function calls, while PgSQL another. Yes, of course they
could add support for another (very popular) DB. But I'd rather feel out
their support for JSP/JDBC, which should be in :-)

> If the support for MySQL is in the form of an Extension, is there a
> PostgreSQL equivalent as I have been contacted by one of our clients who
> has said, "Do we povide MySQL ?", we dont. "Oh! I am teaching myself PHP
> + MySQL using Dreamweaver and I wanted you to host the site" :-(

The only unified interface offered by PHP, that I know of, is ODBC. I know
there are build options to fuse some Java support in, but that is, IMHO, a
waste of time and effort - not to mention resources.


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