Hello, all!
I have a good question for PostgreSQL
How to use string functions (like UPPER()/LOWER())
for non-latin strings?
Why UPPER() function doesn't work with my UNICODE
PostgreSQL database which contains non-latin characters (like
How to make case insensetive search by text field
which contains non-latin characters?
Thanks for your answers!
Best regards
- Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql Vince Vielhaber
- Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql Jim Jennis
- Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql Tom Dryden
- Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql The Hermit Hacker
- Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Shridhar Daithankar
- Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Bruce Momjian
- Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Dennis Gearon
- Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Eugeny Balakhonov
- Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL Alexander Litvinov