I currently have PostgreSQL 7.1 installed on a server with about 700 Mb of RAM.
I have many problems of speed with a database I created. For example, it took almost 12 sec to run the query "select * from table" directly from PostgreSQL, on a table with 4000 records and 60 fields ... And the whole application built on this database is very very slow (some pages take almost 20 seconds to load !) I verifed the indexes, I think they are ok, and I tried to make my queries as short as possible (without select * but with select field1, field2, ...) But anyway, I guess there is a problem of speed directly with the database, because I think that is not normal to need 12 sec to run a query on a table with only 4000 records ... Has anybody an idea ? Thanks Krystoffff ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster