Postgres itself doesn't support nested transactions.

Robert Creager wrote:

On Mon, 11 Aug 2003 11:05:57 -0400
Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said something like:

If you really want to rebuild only the one index, I think this will work:

lock table tab;
reindex index ndx;

Figures.  It appears that DBD::Pg doesn't supported nested transactions (I was
already in a transaction).

DBD::Pg::db begin_work failed: Already in a transaction at
/tass/bin/ line 445.

Unfortunatly, it does take longer overall because of the second index on the
table, but it always works ;-)  'Nother duh moment, delete the second index,
and then it works just fine speed wise.  Guess I need to re-examine my index


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