On Thu, 31 Jul 2003 11:19:25 +0100, David W Noon wrote:

> On Thursday 31 Jul 2003 10:39 in
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 2trax
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> It seems to me that the most flexible way is to use a text field to hold
>> everything, apart from the country which suits a varchar? and perhaps have
>> another dedicated varchar field to hold USA ZIP codes / UK post codes for
>> easy searching?
> There are ISO standard codes for countries: US, CA, GB, AU, etc.  These each
> fit into a fixed-width CHAR(2) field.
> I would use a VARCHAR of some large size and map it into structured fields
> using views. Each view is built with
>    WHERE country_code = 'xx'
> for the matching 'xx' in the ISO standard. This will allow you to search in
> a structured manner, provided you have the country code.


Thanks for a good suggestion. I'll take a crack at it.


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