Dmitry Tkach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I am trying to create a custom GiST index in 7.3, but getting an error, 
> ...
> I have done all the setup that was required in 7.2.4:

You should not be using the 7.2 methods anymore --- there is a CREATE
OPERATOR CLASS, use that instead.  (See the contrib gist classes for

> testdb=#  select * from pg_opclass where opcname = 'gist_index_ops';
> -[ RECORD 1 ]+--------------
> opcamid      | 783
> opcname      | gist_index_ops
> opcnamespace |
> opcowner     |
> opcintype    | 20
> opcdefault   | t
> opckeytype   | 0

Those NULL fields probably explain your problems ... (the fields are
marked NOT NULL, but due to an oversight, the constraint is not
enforced against core system catalogs in 7.3 :-()

                        regards, tom lane

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