On 09/08/2003 01:41 Simon Windsor wrote:

I am sorry for mailing this list directly, but I am planning to migrate a
web application from MySQL to Postgres. I am aware of a number of
applications to help in this process, ie my2pg, etc. The biggest
stumbling block I face is replication.

What facilities exist within Postgres to replicate data from one instance
to another?

There are several replication mechanisms available for PostgreSQL. The two shipped with it are dbmirror and rserv. I believe that rserv will shortly be replaced by erserv, which is based on rsev and uses Java instead of perl.

Which version of Postgres would people to recommend?

The latest production release is 7.3.4. I'd recoomend using that.


Paul Thomas
| Thomas Micro Systems Limited | Software Solutions for the Smaller Business |
| Computer Consultants | http://www.thomas-micro-systems-ltd.co.uk |

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