Hi all, apologies if this is a dumb question - not really sure where to look 
for this kind of stuff...

I have a frequently called stored procedure that needs to access some 
"configuration" information to determine how it should behave.

Currently I have the configuration information in its own table, and the sp 
does a lookup "select item from config where pk = ...".

I am wondering whether there is any way to "cache" the result of a lookup 
across instances of the stored procedure call?  The configuration value will 
rarely change, and as the procedure is called often it seems a bit of a waste 
of resources looking it up each time the procedure is run.

Is this the sort of thing that internal variables would handle (by that I mean 
using "set" and "show")?


Martin Hart
Arnclan Limited
53 Union Street
Dunstable, Beds

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