7.4 has a --enable-thread-safety which compiles libpq and ecpg for threading, with that flag on operating systems that need it.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amin Abdulghani wrote: > Compiling postgres client with -D_REENTRANT seems to > remove > this problem. It seems to have been a thread issue with > webware (and more specfically errno associated the > pqReadData). > On a side note, I noticed that the configure.in for 7.2.1 > doesnt seem to have any option for compiling with the > above flag. Is it available for the next releases 7.3/7.4? > > Thanks.. > Amin > On Tue, 05 Aug 2003 12:10:31 -0400 > Amin Abdulghani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >Hi, > > > >Running Postgres 7.2.1 with python/psycopg (python > >interface for postgres using libpq)/webware application > >server on Solaris, I get a postgres error "could not > >receive data from server Error 0 " when I try to retrieve > >a large text column (16 K) from a table. The query I use > >is "select col from table". However, if I avoid the > >webware application server, this seems to work ok. I am > >just wondering what effect webware could have on the > >postgres client libraries. The postgres server is on a > >different machine. It doesnt seem to be a memory related > >issue as web-ware uses only 5-6 MB on a machine having > >256 MB. > > > >Thanks.. > >Amin > > > >---------------------------(end of > >broadcast)--------------------------- > >TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives? > > > > http://archives.postgresql.org > > > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- > TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster > -- Bruce Momjian | http://candle.pha.pa.us [EMAIL PROTECTED] | (610) 359-1001 + If your life is a hard drive, | 13 Roberts Road + Christ can be your backup. | Newtown Square, Pennsylvania 19073 ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster