My be I too spoiled by MS SQL Server, but does'nt 

update prod.t_results set expdate=e.termdate from
        work.termdate e, prod.t_results r where e.docid=r.docid;
update prod.t_results set expdate=e.termdate from
        work.termdate e inner join prod.t_results r on e.docid=r.docid;

is standard SQL-92 update FROM form?
just trying to understand.

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephan Szabo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 4:12 PM
To: Maksim Likharev
Cc: pgsql-general
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Wacky query plan, why?

On Fri, 25 Jul 2003, Maksim Likharev wrote:

> I have 2 queries, one is never returns, like explain shows
> cost
>       and another doing the same job works ( cost 6072.00 )
> I do not understand one thing, why query number one, generates so
> unbelievably
> screwed up plan?
> why it does not use index?
> query # 1:
> ------
> explain update prod.t_results set expdate=e.termdate from
>       work.termdate e, prod.t_results r where e.docid=r.docid;

This is almost certainly not what you meant.  You haven't constrained
the update table (t_results) to the results of the from.  Adding
r to the from joins an additional copy of the table (it's not an alias
the update table).

Why not just
 update prod.tresults set expdate=e.termdate from work.termdate where

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