Errol Neal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> After making this change,  and increasing the max number of buffers to
> 128 and the max number of connections to 64, I rebooted my
> system. Things come up fine, Postgres seems happy, but shortly after
> the Postgres server dies or terminates with nothing in logs as to WHY
> it terminates and it keeps doing so even after I revert back to my
> original config. The only things that remedies the problem of the
> server dying without any apparent notice is if I revert back to my
> original /etc/system file.. Does anybody have any experience with
> these issues? All I am trying to do is get a few more connections out
> of my system. I could sure use someone's help. Do I need to re-compile
> postgresql?

Why don't you run the server under 'truss' to see what is killing it?
It it probably dumping core, or trying to, since there is nothing in
the logs--check your 'ulimit -c' settings and see if there are any
core files hanging around in $PGDATA.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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