As mentioned previously I have a large text database with upwards of 40GB of data and 8 million tuples.
The time has come to buy some real hardware for it. Having read around the subject online I see the general idea is to get as much memory and the fastest I/O possible. The buget for the server is approx 20K GBP / 30K US$ The data will be stored on an external raid, SCSI based 2.5TB with IDE disks. Configured as 1 large volume, RAID5. ( We already have this hardware) Question 1 - whats the best raid configuration for this device? Onto the server, I have currently priced up the following: Dell Poweredge 6650 16GB RAM Quad intel hyperthreaded arch PERC3Q controller 36GB System HDD approx 20K UKP Question 2 - Comments and opinions on this as the postgresql server. Any comments on better alternatives or modification to this system would be very helpful! Question 3 - what would be the best way to distribute tables/swap/ system disk space? Hope I'm not asking too much... Thanks ! ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings