> template1=# insert into t values ('1993-08-10 17:48:41');
> INSERT 16980 1
So we are talking about August 10th, right?

> template1=# select f1, date(f1), f1::date, cast(f1 as date) from t;
>          f1          |    date    |     f1     |     f1
> ---------------------+------------+------------+------------
>  1993-08-10 17:48:41 | 1993-08-11 | 1993-08-11 | 1993-08-11
> (1 row)
Here all casts give Aug. 11th, same as on my 7.3.2 (tested right now). This
is one day *more* than expected, not 'the previous date' as the original
poster said. Perhaps some sort of rounding here?


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

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