Hmm.. I can't believe I missed that.  While that exact macro wouldn't 
apply in my situation (because I fetch the value from a field in a tuple and 
not the argument of a function), the underlying concept is the same as 
what I would need.   Now I do not need to feel the wrath of unnecessary 
memory allocation/deallocation for the non-toasted case.  Excellent.  
Thanks very much!


> #define PG_FREE_IF_COPY(ptr,n) \
>      do { \
>          if ((Pointer) (ptr) != PG_GETARG_POINTER(n)) \
>              pfree(ptr); \
>      } while (0)
> Maybe you can use that or do something similar?
> HTH,
> Joe

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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