Terence Ng wrote:
I would like to create a database for products catalogue. I have many products with different specification.
e.g. lamp A: Part no, Color, Raw Material, Wave length, Vf(V)20mA, lv(ucd)10mA
ECG:Part no, Type, Iv, KHz, A, W, Im
Should I put these products in one table, or in separate?
Several posibilities. One I'd give a go would be one table for products and their common data
products (products_id int8, description text, ...);
attributenames (attr_id int4, importance int2, attrname text (or attrname int4 pointing to translation table)
attributeunits (unit_id int4, unitname text, baseunit_id int4, factor numeric)
attributes (product_id int8, attr_id int4, unit_id int4, attrtxt text, attrvalue numeric)
I think you get the picture :-)
Good luck Tino Wildenhain
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