So following modification seems to fixed all PG (7.3/7.3.3)crashes on
Solaris ( NON C LOCALE )

selfuncs.c line 2356:

I changed:
xfrmsize = strlen(val) + 32;    /*arbitrary pad value here...*/
xfrmsize = strxfrm(NULL, val, 0) + 32;

so basically instead of wild guess of transformed string size I asking
"strxfrm" for that.

+32 out my desperation, strxfrm(NULL, val, 0) + 1 should be fine ( have
not tested that )...

Out of curiosity:
Really interesting, following condition seems to be impossible anymore,
of cause if something went terribly wrong,

die here, return original string, return empty string?

if (xfrmlen >= xfrmsize) {
        xfrmstr = (char *) palloc(xfrmlen + 1);
        xfrmlen = strxfrm(xfrmstr, val, xfrmlen + 1);

Again fixed all crashes on Sun 5.8 ( PG 7.3.3, en_US locale, LATIN1
encoding )  Generic Patch...

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-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 3:58 PM
To: Maksim Likharev
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] PG crash on simple query, story continues 

"Maksim Likharev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>      On failure, strxfrm() returns (size_t)-1.

Not according to the Single Unix Specification, Linux, or HP-UX;
I don't have any others to check.  But anyway, that is not causing
your problem, since palloc(0) would complain not dump core.

> I am on SunOS 5.8, 

Solaris, eh?  IIRC, it was Solaris that we last heard about broken
strxfrm on.  Better check to see if Sun has a fix for this.

                        regards, tom lane

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