Hi Tom,
querying my functions results this:

alumil=# \df addincominginvoice
                                                          List of functions
 Result data type | Schema |        Name        |
Argument data types
 integer          | public | addincominginvoice | integer, integer, text,
text, text, text, integer, text, text, text, text, numeric
(1 row)

This means that I have exactly one addincominginvoice function, in addition
with the appropriate parameter list.

Calling this procedure from the console, it goes well.
alumil=# select addincominginvoice (2, -1, 'xxxx', '2003.07.01',
'2003.07.01', 'DDDD', 25, '2003.09.01', 'f', '          ', 'f', 2332.334);

Calling it from the win32 client it fails. (The client is a Delphi 7
application using BDE)
The traffic between the client and the backend is the following:
1       17:59:12  SQL Prepare: PostgreSQL - {  call "addincominginvoice"
2       17:59:12  SQL Misc: PostgreSQL - Set stored procedure on or off
3       17:59:12  SQL Data In: PostgreSQL - Param = 1, Name = PartnerID,
Type = fldINT32, Precision = 0, Scale = 0, Data = 19
4       17:59:12  SQL Data In: PostgreSQL - Param = 2, Name = OrderNumber,
Type = fldINT32, Precision = 0, Scale = 0, Data = -1
5       17:59:12  SQL Data In: PostgreSQL - Param = 3, Name = SN, Type =
fldZSTRING, Precision = 12, Scale = 0, Data = xxxxxxxxxxxx
6       17:59:12  SQL Data In: PostgreSQL - Param = 4, Name = PerformanceDat
e, Type = fldZSTRING, Precision = 10, Scale = 0, Data = 2003.07.02
7       17:59:12  SQL Data In: PostgreSQL - Param = 5, Name = IssuingDate,
Type = fldZSTRING, Precision = 10, Scale = 0, Data = 2003.07.02
8       17:59:12  SQL Data In: PostgreSQL - Param = 6, Name = LedgerAccount,
Type = fldZSTRING, Precision = 7, Scale = 0, Data = YYYYYYY
9       17:59:12  SQL Data In: PostgreSQL - Param = 7, Name = UserID, Type =
fldINT32, Precision = 0, Scale = 0, Data = 25
10      17:59:12  SQL Data In: PostgreSQL - Param = 8, Name =
PaymentDeadLine, Type = fldZSTRING, Precision = 10, Scale = 0, Data =
11      17:59:12  SQL Data In: PostgreSQL - Param = 9, Name = Payed, Type =
fldZSTRING, Precision = 1, Scale = 0, Data = f
12      17:59:12  SQL Data In: PostgreSQL - Param = 10, Name = PayedDate,
Type = fldZSTRING, Precision = 10, Scale = 0, Data =
13      17:59:12  SQL Data In: PostgreSQL - Param = 11, Name = NoStock, Type
= fldZSTRING, Precision = 1, Scale = 0, Data = f
14      17:59:12  SQL Data In: PostgreSQL - Param = 12, Name = GrossValue,
Type = fldFLOAT, Precision = 0, Scale = 0, Data = 0.000000
15      17:59:12  SQL Execute: PostgreSQL - {  call "addincominginvoice"
16      17:59:12  SQL Vendor: ODBC - SQLAllocStmt
17      17:59:12  SQL Vendor: ODBC - SQLBindParameter
18      17:59:12  SQL Vendor: ODBC - SQLBindParameter
19      17:59:12  SQL Vendor: ODBC - SQLBindParameter
20      17:59:12  SQL Vendor: ODBC - SQLBindParameter
21      17:59:12  SQL Vendor: ODBC - SQLBindParameter
22      17:59:12  SQL Vendor: ODBC - SQLBindParameter
23      17:59:12  SQL Vendor: ODBC - SQLBindParameter
24      17:59:12  SQL Vendor: ODBC - SQLBindParameter
25      17:59:12  SQL Vendor: ODBC - SQLBindParameter
26      17:59:12  SQL Vendor: ODBC - SQLBindParameter
27      17:59:12  SQL Vendor: ODBC - SQLBindParameter
28      17:59:12  SQL Vendor: ODBC - SQLBindParameter
29      17:59:12  SQL Vendor: ODBC - SQLExecDirect
30      17:59:12  SQL Vendor: ODBC - SQLError
31      17:59:12  SQL Error: PostgreSQL - ERROR:  Function
addincominginvoice(integer, integer, "unknown", "unknown", "unknown",
"unknown", integer, "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", double
precision) does not exist
      Unable to identify a function that satisfies the given argument types
  You may need to add explicit typecasts
32      17:59:12  SQL Vendor: ODBC - SQLError
33      17:59:12  SQL Stmt: PostgreSQL - Reset
34      17:59:12  SQL Vendor: ODBC - SQLFreeStmt

This trace is provided by the psqlODBC driver.
Can you find anything in this log, which can cause the error?

Thank you,
-- Csaba

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tom Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Együd Csaba" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 5:41 PM
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Stored Proc error after modifying field type

> =?iso-8859-1?Q?Egy=FCd_Csaba?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > ERROR:  Function addincominginvoice(integer, integer, "unknown",
> > "unknown", "unknown", integer, "unknown", "unknown", "unknown",
> > double precision) does not exist
> > Unable to identify a function that satisfies the given argument types
> The error message may be misleading you --- that same error will be
> reported when there is no possible match in pg_proc, and when there
> are multiple matches and the system can't figure out which to pick.
> (I plan to try to make this better in 7.4...)  Given all the unknowns
> you've got there, multiple matches seems like a likely problem.
> regards, tom lane

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