> Hi, > I've a problem with some of my stored procs. My config is: RH7.1, Postgres > 7.3.2 > > I had converted a few fields of a few tables from one type to another and > after this I made all the necessary changes on the functions and recreated > all my types and functions. > It seemd to be all right, but the newly created functions won't work > anymore. > > The error message says after running one of them: > ----------------------------------------------------------------------- > ERROR: Function addincominginvoice(integer, integer, "unknown", "unknown", > "unknown", "unknown", integer, "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", "unknown", > double precision) does not exist > Unable to identify a function that satisfies the given argument types > You may need to add explicit typecasts > ----------------------------------------------------------------------- > > This error rises only with newly created functions, old functions are workig > fine. > > Should anybody suggest me something to avoid this problem. > > Thanks a lot, > > -- Csaba
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